Saturday, May 26, 2012

Who Let You In Here?

I got email #6 from a safari guide today.  I will always remember #6 as the discouraging one.  You know when you have a hefty goal and you’re pursuing it and things are bound to hit you that hurt?  

Yeah, I’m hurting today. 

I think this is called a setback.

After receiving emails with encouragement and sound advice, this email was full of can’t.  You don’t have experience.  There are two of you.  No one will hire you long distance.  There’s nobody you can go and talk to either. 


Like a large brick.  Scribbled with the words You can’t do this.

Really?  From a stranger?  A stranger in my field?  Full of hippies and dream-makers and white bush men?  Telling me I'm too normal or something?

I’m adventurous, but I’m still a fragile person.  It astounds me how fragile I can be.  Sensitive.  Easily discouraged.  I have a sense that I don’t actually know the world and it gives other people the edge.  Like they do know the world.  I’m naïve, and they’re telling me the ways. 

But this guy does not know the ways of the world.  I can’t allow him to know my ways of the world. 

Today, I am hurting.  But tomorrow will be better. 



  1. my love.

    isn't the number 6 the devil's number or something? ....jus' sayin. ;)

    the pretentiousness of this man is insane. and you are so right--who's to say he knows the ways of the world? and just because HE doesn't have the passion, drive, ambition, and capability to pursue such a goal DOES NOT mean that no one in the world does. who does he think he is, Father Safari? Did he write the Handbook on Living and Going to Safari School if Your Name is Carrie Gaynor? Because pretty sure there isn't one.

    give me that brick. i'll show HIM what's red and bad for your teeth!!!


  3. ARIMA. I love those. You are the BEST!

    Sarah, I need to write that book. I wonder if there are any other Carrie Gaynors that will buy it .... . . . . . . .
